choose your change
learn one simple map for personal, professional, and leadership development
Everyone’s trying to get better… at everything.
We watch TED Talks on the elliptical trainer and listen to productivity podcasts while lifting weights. What’s next? Meditating in a power pose? Reading HBR articles while in Downward-Facing Dog? Woof.
Self-help shouldn’t feel this frustrating.
If “getting better” makes you feel like you’re getting nowhere fast, then try a map. This map.
organize your self-help bookshelf
Everyone has that bookshelf that contains all the things you should be better at. We help make sense of all those “shoulds” with three simple pairs:
In and Out: What do you bring inward toward self? What do you send out into the world?
I and We: When are you at the center of your world? When do you share the center?
Tools and Feelings: What tactics are working for you? What emotions and beliefs are working for you?
better means better for everyone
We believe self-improvement should feature more “improvement” than “self".” The PLAY Polarities™️ methodology draws on multiple fields to inform what we call “co-humanity.”
Better yourself in a way that helps everyone else better themselves.
one simple map to find “better”
The PLAY Polarities™️ Model For Co-Human Excellence helps individuals see their entire Betterment Journey in one place. Whether you’re trying to improve yourself, your team, or your world, it all starts with one simple map.
What are you doing to better understand and improve yourself within?
How are you improving everything you do in the world?
How are you deepening your connections to those around you?
Where might you all go together?
one clear mindset for creating lasting change
At the heart of our map is a compass: The Arrowglass™️ Mindset. This simple guidance system helps you hit your highest ambitions while honoring your most deeply held values. Along the way, the Arrowglass™️ invites you to stay nimble. It reminds you that anything is possible with:
Ready to organize your improvement?
let’s get started
This site should give you everything you need to get started using the PLAY Polarities™️ in your own life and in your work with others. For more support including individual coaching, group training, and consulting on applying these ideas to your own organization, please reach out.
We’d love to meet you!