Part 1 - Need to Improve Employee Retention? Invest with Courage.
How can the Best Bosses retain the best people? Invest in their success, even when it’s risky. Our first installment of Secrets of the Best Bosses and Their Teams provides evidence-backed guidance on meeting the engagement and culture needs of employees. It won’t always be easy. But the Best Bosses will do it anyway.

Resource Roundup: Giving and Taking
Matt shares three recommendations around Give and Take: a core improv principle and a polarity all managers must understand to lead their people well.

Authenticity: Getting Practical and Tactical with “3G”
How do high performers remind themselves to slow down and interrogate the things they think, say, and do to make sure they’re staying on track?
Watch who you are when you’re “improvising”
Pay attention to the 3Gs: Gods, Guts, and Guides

changing the world with a team of full selves: the fourth quadrant
Borrowed from improvisation, Yes And is a foundational concept to the PLAY Polarities™️. Yes And encourages us to embrace and support the ideas of others. We use it as the umbrella for all meaningful group activity, which is why we call this Quadrant Y: Yes And.

we > me: building authentic life and work relationships with the third quadrant
Many individual contributors spend their careers in the first two quadrants, Paying Attention and Leaning Toward. They learn what to do, and they do it—clear and direct. In this post, we’ll encounter Quadrant A: Accept, Adapt, Affect. This is the fuzzy area where honest, authentic dialogue occurs. And it’s never just about us.

the courage to act: pushing ideas into reality with the second quadrant
After figuring out what to do in Quadrant P, we take that understanding and let it inspire us to action with Quadrant L: Lean Toward. This is where most people spend most of their professional lives: generating work-product. Lean Toward is how we bring our Full Selves to that activity.

“stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop”: seeing inside and out with the first quadrant
We recommend always beginning with Quadrant P: Pay Attention. That’s where we invite ourselves to stop, breathe, and reflect. From that position of self-understanding and quiet strength, we can bring our Full Selves to the task at hand.